Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Review of Legislation on Trademarks, Geographical Indications and Industrial Designs - United States

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED IP/Q2/USA/1 3 April 1998 (98-1344) Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Original: English REVIEW OF LEGISLATION ON TRADEMARKS, GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS United States The present document reproduces the introductory statement made by the delegation of the United States, the questions put to it and the responses given in the review of legislation on trademarks, geographical indications and industrial designs in the context of the meeting of the Council that took place from 11-15 November 1996., _______________ I. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT Federal protection of trademarks, and to some extent protection of geographical indications, is provided by the Trademark Act of 1946, Title 15, United States Code ("Lanham Act"), as amended. In addition, geographical indication protection for wines, spirits and malt beverages is provided by the Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire-Arm Regulations,