Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Review of Legislation on Enforcement - Japan

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED IP/Q4/JPN/1 17 September 1998 (98-3537) Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Original: English REVIEW OF LEGISLATION ON ENFORCEMENT JAPAN The present document reproduces the introductory statement made by the delegation of Japan, the questions put to it and the responses given in the review of legislation on enforcement in the context of the Council's meeting of 17-21 November 1997. _______________ INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT General We, the Government of Japan, as a member of the WTO, believe that the obligations which we are required to satisfy under the TRIPS Agreement are sufficiently fulfilled and also in the enforcement of intellectual property rights prescribed as Part III of TRIPS Agreement. Suitable provisions to ensure enforcement related to intellectual property are found not only in intellectual property laws, like the Patent Law, Utility Law, Trademark Law, Design La