Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - The Work Programme on Electronic Commerce - Background Note by the Secretariat - Addendum
- WTO Secretariat
- 2005/08/11
- 已被閱讀 2245次
World Trade
Organization IP/C/W/128/Add.1
15 May 2003 (03-2609) Council for Trade-Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights
Background Note by the Secretariat
At its meeting in March 2002, the Council for TRIPS requested the Secretariat to update its factual background note examining the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement relevant to paragraph 4.1 of the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce. This background note was prepared upon a request by the Council at its meeting in December 1998 and circulated in February 1999 in document IP/C/W/128. At the Council's meeting in March 2002, the Chair noted that the update should reflect recent developments that were relevant to the issue, including the work carried out by WIPO and other intergovernmental organizations. This update has been prepared in response to this request. It focuses on a number of important developments in t