Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - GNP Per capita calculations for all to Members using the methodology in G/SCM/38 - Note by the Secretariat


Note by the Secretariat

This document, prepared by the Secretariat on its own responsibility, responds to a request made at the April 2024 meeting of the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM Committee).[1] The request concerns the proposal by the LDC Group regarding measures to allow graduated LDCs with GNP below USD 1000 to benefit pursuant to Annex VII(b) of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM Agreement).[2]

The Committee requested the Secretariat staff servicing the SCM Committee to present, for all WTO Members, the following data:

i._     GNI[3] per capita in constant 1990 dollars covering the three most recent years for which data are available (2020-2022), using the methodology applied to Members listed in Annex VII(b) of the SCM Agreement pursuant to the 2001 Ministerial Decision[4],[5] and

ii._    GNI per capita in current dollars.[6]

Both sets of data are provided in the attached tables for the years 2020‑2022 for all WTO Members for which the relevant data are available.

For Members listed in Annex VII(b) - indicated in the tables with an asterisk (*) - the figures align with those presented in document _G/SCM/110/Add.21. For the remaining Members, the calculations follow, as closely as possible, the methodology outlined in document _G/SCM/38 wherever the required data was fully available.

In instances where the necessary data to apply the agreed methodology was missing, and no suitable alternative data sources were available, these cases are explicitly marked as "NA" in the first table. This approach ensures that all data presented aligns directly with the agreed methodology outlined in document _G/SCM/38.[7]

[1] See _G/SCM/M/127. paras. 136-141.

[2] _WT/GC/W/742 - _G/C/W/752.

[3] The World Bank data series formerly identified as Gross National Product ("GNP") is now published as Gross National Income ("GNI"). This change reflects the implementation of the System of National Accounts 1993 ("SNA 93"). Although the underlying concepts are different (GNP being a measure of product, and GNI being a measure of income), the values calculated are the same.

[4] The referenced methodology, contained in document _G/SCM/38, is to calculate the per capita GNI in 1990 constant dollars for the Members listed in Annex VII(b) of the SCM Agreement as required by paragraph 10.1 of the 2001 Ministerial Decision on Implementation Related Issues and Concerns (_WT/MIN(01)/17).

[5] For WTO Members other than those listed in Annex VII(b) of the SCM Agreement, in accordance with the agreed methodology in _G/SCM/38 which is used to generate the figures for the Members listed in Annex VII(b), the data on the GNP per capita at constant 1995 dollars for the period 1990-1999 were drawn from World Development Indicators ("WDI") 2001 which were then converted to indices (1990 = 100). These indices were applied to the dollar value of 1990 GNP per capita at 1990 prices and exchange rates as drawn from the World Bank Atlas 1992. In order to follow the same methodology in _G/SCM/38, step 3, values of GNI per capita at constant 1990 dollars for the period 1990 - 1999 were not modified with the latest revision of the series obtained from the World Bank. To derive GNI per capita at constant 1990 dollars for 2000, the growth rates for 2000 over 1999 at constant 1995 dollars, derived as foreseen in _G/SCM/38 table B, have been applied to the 1999 GNI per capita values in constant 1990 dollars, as set forth in _G/SCM/38, table C. Similarly, the growth rates of 2001 over 2000, 2002 over 2001, 2003 over 2002, 2004 over 2003, 2005 over 2004, 2006 over 2005, 2007 over 2006, 2008 over 2007, 2009 over 2008, 2010 over 2009, 2011 over 2010, 2012 over 2011, 2013 over 2012, 2014 over 2013, 2015 over 2014, 2016 over 2015, 2017 over 2016, 2018 over 2017, 2019 over 2018, 2020 over 2019, 2021 over 2020, and 2022 over 2021 have been applied to data for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 respectively.

[6] For the Members listed in Annex VII(b), the values of GNI per capita in current dollars are those as circulated in the _G/SCM/110/… document series. For the remaining Members, the relevant values were drawn from the 2024 revision of the economic indicators as received from the World Bank on 2 February 2024 for the purpose of preparing the document _G/SCM/110/Add.21.

[7] Instances where data required for applying the agreed methodology outlined in document _G/SCM/38 was missing are marked as "NA" in the tables, indicating non-availability.