Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held on 27 - 28 October 2008 - Supplement
- WTO Secretariat
- 2009/06/12
- 已被閱讀 1042次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED G/ADP/M/35/Suppl.1
2 June 2009 (09-2627) Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices
HELD ON 27-28 october 2008
The Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices (the "Committee") held a regular meeting on 27 -28 October 2008. The Minutes of that meeting (document G/ADP/M/35) include references to the documents containing the written answers of Members whose legislation was reviewed at that meeting. Since those Minutes were circulated, additional answers to written questions asked at that meeting have been received. Therefore, the following document references should be considered part of the Minutes of the meeting.
Written replies provided by the Albania to questions posed (paragraph 8 of the Minutes of the meeting) should include the following:
G/ADP/Q1/ALB/11-G/SCM/Q1/ALB/11 – Replies to the European Communities.
Written replies provided by Egypt to questions posed (paragraph 10 of the