Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held on 23 - 24 October 2003
- WTO Secretariat
- 2009/07/16
- 已被閱讀 1160次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED G/ADP/M/25
9 March 2004 (04-1037) Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices
HELD ON 23-24 OCTOBER 2003
Chairman: Mr. David Evans (New Zealand)
The Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices (the "Committee") held a regular meeting on23-24 October 2003.
The Committee adopted the following agenda:
A. Armenia – review of new legislative notification 2
B. China – review of new legislative notification 2
C. Estonia – review of new legislative notification 2
D. European Communities – review of new legislative notification 3
E. Mexico – review of new legislative notification 3
F. Pakistan – review of new legislative notification 3
G. Peru – review of new legislative notification 3
H. China – review of previously reviewed legislative notification 4
I. Semi-annual reports of anti-dumping actions 5
J. Preliminary and final anti-dumping actions 10
K. Effect of membership enlargement on trade reme