Council for Trade in Services - Special Session - Pakistan - Conditional Initial Offer on Services
- Pakistan
- 2005/06/06
- 已被閱讀 1270次
World Trade
Organization TN/S/O/PAK
30 May 2005 (05-2188) Council for Trade in Services
Special Session Original: English
Conditional Initial Offer on Services
The following communication, dated 24 May 2005, from the delegation of Pakistan, is being circulated to the Members of the Council for Trade in Services.
1. The initial offer follows the editorial conventions as contained in the Secretariat document JOB (02)/88, dated 16 July 2002, vis-à-vis:
BOLD – New text
STRIKE OUT – Deleted text
ITALICS – Where any new or deleted text constitutes merely a technical refinement that does not alter the scope or substance of an existing commitment.
2. Pakistan also reserves the right to modify, extend, reduce and withdraw in whole or in part its initial conditional offer at any time prior to the conclusion of the current services negotiations. Furthermore, Pakistan reserves the right to make technical amendments to th