Council for Trade in Services - Compilation of unanswered questions raised for the review of article II (MFN) exemptions - Note by the Secretariat - Revision

compilation of unanswered questions raised for
the Review of Article II (MFN) Exemptions



This document has been prepared at the request of the Council for Trade in Services for the fifth review of MFN exemptions. As agreed at the CTS meeting held on 12 June 2023, this document compiles the questions submitted by Members on other Members' MFN exemptions that did not receive an answer, neither in writing nor during the meeting.

[1] This document has been prepared under the Secretariat's own responsibility and is without prejudice to the positions of Members and to their rights and obligations under the WTO.

[2] This revision updates the list of unanswered questions by reflecting the answers provided by Members since the compilation was initially circulated, on 15 September 2023. Accordingly, the list of answered questions included in the Annex has also been updated. This revision also reflects the additional questions submitted by India on 2 October 2023 in document _S/C/W/455, which have been identified in roman numerals.