AD notification(New) (2000,5,26,3203)
- pc309b
- 2003/10/16
- 已被閱讀 1151次
AD notification(New) (2000,5,26,3203)
Topic 1* : Article 6.5 "Treatment of Confidential Information"
Topic 6* : Article 6.2 "Hearings"
Topic 8* : Article 12 "Public Notices"
Topic 9* : Article 9 "Contents of Preliminary Affirmative Determinations"
Paper by Chinese Taipei
The anti-dumping laws of Chinese Taipei are administered and enforced jointly by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). Under this bifurcated system, the MOF carries out dumping (and subsidy) investigations through the Department of Customs Administration and the MOEA conducts injury investigations through its International Trade Commission (ITC) in both anti-dumping and countervailing duty cases. The ITC singly assumes the investigative responsibility in safeguard cases.
The principal piece of legislation governing the investigation of anti-dumping and countervailing duties is the Implementing Regulation on the Imposition of Countervailing and Antidumping Duties (hereinafter "Implementing Regulation"), promulgated on July 3, 1984, last amended on November 17, 1994, under Paragraph 3, Article 46-2, of the Customs Duty Law. The Customs Duty Law and Foreign Trade Act both contain a limited number of provisions in regard to the determination of dumping and injury as well as the imposition of anti-dumping duties.
As requested in Document WTO/AIR/643 of 16 July 1997, a flow chart with timelines of when various events occurs in Chinese Taipei's investigative process was prepared, covering the elements of application, initiation, preliminary determination, written submissions from the parties, final determinations, and public notice of determination. A copy of this flow chart is attached to this paper.
An anti-dumping investigation in our system has the following basic milestones:
- Applicant files a application with MOF;
- MOF shall make a proposal to the Committee for a resolution of initiation of an