Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - ePing alert system - Statement by the Secretariat

 eping alert system

STATEMENT by the secretariat

This document contains an update provided by the WTO Secretariat at the TBT Committee meeting of 20‑21 June 2018 under Agenda Item 4.





1.  An information session on the SPS/TBT notification alert system ePing was held on Tuesday 19 June on the margins of the TBT Committee. Following a general presentation on ePing by the WTO Secretariat, the Enquiry Points of Australia and Uganda shared their experiences in using ePing to engage domestic stakeholders regarding regulatory requirements affecting their exports. The Secretariat would like to thank Sam Munsie from Australia and George Opiyo from Uganda for their valuable contributions to the session. Further information on the ePing information session, including the three presentations, are available through the WTO website's TBT section