Committee on Import Licensing - Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under article 5.1 - 5.4 of the Agreement - European Union



Notification under Article 5.1-5.4 of the Agreement[i]

European Union

The following notification, dated 8 June 2018, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of the European Union.


1.        (a)        Title / number / date of the law or regulation establishing / changing the import licensing procedure:

        Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2018/640 of 25 April 2018 introducing prior Union surveillance of imports of certain aluminium products originating in certain third countries.

          (b)        If the notified measure refers to a change in an already notified import licensing procedure, please indicate the document symbol of the notification to which change(s) has(ve) been introduced. (In this case please also indicate in Section 3, below, the nature of the changes (i.e. inclusion or exclusion of some goods and a list thereof; contact point for information and/or administrative body(ies) for submission of applications, etc.)):

2.  Information concerning the institution / change of import licensing procedure:

           (a)        List of products subject to the licensing procedure (Exact name of the products and/or whenever possible HS code and indication of the exact HS Nomenclature (i.e. 1996; 2002 or 2007).  Abbreviations should be avoided.  In the case of a long list of products, please attach the list as an Annex in Microsoft Word or compatible software.  Please do not use PDF, or photocopies.)

        Annex I of Regulation No 2018/640:

7601; 7604; 7605; 7606; 7607; 7608; 7609; 7616.99.

           (b)        Contact point for information on eligibility

Please refer to Annex II of Regulation 2017/1092, listing the competent authorities for each EU Member State and see also point (c) below).

           (c)        Administrative body(ies) for submission of applications (If more than one please include the same information for each body.)

Annex II of the Regulation No 2018/640:

        BELGIQUE/BELGIË: Service public fédéral de l'économie, des PME, des classes moyennes et de l'énergie Direction générale du potentiel économique Service des licences rue du Progrès 50 B-1210 Bruxelles Fax (32-2) 277 50 63 Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, KMO, Middenstand & Energie Algemene Directie Economisch Potentieel Dienst Vergunningen Vooruitgangstraat 50 B-1210 Brussel Fax (32-2) 277 50 63

БЪЛГАРИЯ Министерство на икономиката дирекцияРегистриране, лицензиране и контролул. ‘Славянска’ № 8 1052 София Факс: (359-2) 981 50 41 

ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu Licenční správa Na Františku 32 CZ-110 15 Praha 1 Fax (420) 224 21 21 33

DANMARK Danish Business Authority Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Langelinie Allé 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen O Phone: +45 3529 1574 Email:

DEUTSCHLAND Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle, (BAFA) Frankfurter Straße 29—35 D-65760 Eschborn 1 Fax (49) 6196 90 88 00 Email:

EESTI Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium Harju 11 EE-15072 Tallinn Faks: +372 631 3660

IRELAND Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Import/Export Licensing Unit 23 Kildare Street IE- Dublin 2 Fax + 353-1-631 25 62

ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Υπουργείο Οικονομίας και Ανάπτυξης Γενική Διεύθυνση Διεθνούς Οικονομικής και Εμπορικής Πολιτικής Δ/νση Συντονισμού Εμπορίου και Εμπορικών Καθεστώτων Τμήμα Β': Ειδικών Καθεστώτων Εισαγωγών Οδός Κορνάρου 1 GR 105 63 Αθήνα Τηλ..: +30 210 3286041-43 Φαξ: +30 210 3286094 Email:

ESPAÑA Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Secretaría de Estado de Comercio Subdirección General de Política Comercial de la Unión Europea y Comercio Internacional de Productos Industriales Paseo de la Castellana 162, 28046 Madrid (+ 34) 91 349 36 70

FRANCE Ministère de l'économie, de l'industrie et du numérique Direction générale des entreprises Bureau des matériaux 67, rue Barbès BP 80001 94201 Ivry-sur-Seine Cedex Tél +

REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA Ministarstvo financija Carinska uprava Alexandera von Humboldta 4a 10000 Zagreb Tel. (385) 1 6211321 Fax (385) 1 6211014

ITALIA Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico Direzione Generale per la Politica Commerciale DIV. III Viale America, 341 I-00144 Roma Fax (39) 06 59 93 26 36 Email:

ΚΥΠΡΟΣ Υπουργείο Ενέργειας, Εμπορίου, Βιομηχανίας και Τουρισμού Υπηρεσία Εμπορίου Κλάδος Έκδοσης Αδειών Εισαγωγής/Εξαγωγής Οδός Ανδρέα Αραούζου Αρ. 6 CY-1421 Λευκωσία Φαξ (357) 22 37 54 43, (357) 22 37 51 20

LATVIJA Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija K. Valdemāra iela 3 LV-1395 Rīga Fakss: +371-67 828 121

LIETUVA Lietuvos Respublikos ūkio ministerija Investicijų ir eksporto departamentas Gedimino pr. 38/2 LT-01104 Vilnius Faks. +370 706 64 762

LUXEMBOURG Ministère de l'économie et du commerce extérieur Office des licences BP 113 L-2011 Luxembourg Fax (352) 46 61 38

MAGYARORSZÁG Magyar Kereskedelmi Engedélyezési Hivatal Németvölgyi út 37-39. HU-1124 Budapest Fax +36-1 4585 828 Email:

MALTA Commerce Department Trade Services Directorate Lascaris Bastions Daħlet Ġnien is-Sultan Valletta VLT 1933

NEDERLAND Belastingdienst/Douane Groningen Centrale Dienst voor In- en Uitvoer (CDIU) Postadres: Postbus 3070, 6401 DN Heerlen Bezoekadres: Kempkensberg 12, Groningen Telefoonnummer: 088 — 1512122

ÖSTERREICH Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft Abteilung C2/9 — Außenwirtschaftskontrolle A- 1011 Wien, Stubenring 1 Fax 01/71100/8048366

POLSKA Ministerstwo Rozwoju Plac Trzech Krzyży 3/5 00-507 Warszawa Polska Fax (48-22) 693 40 21/693 40 22

PORTUGAL Ministério das Finanças Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira Rua da Alfândega, n.o 5, r/c P-1149-006 Lisboa Tel. (+ 351)218813843 Fax(+ 351) 218813986

ROMÂNIA Ministerul pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comerț și Antreprenoriat Direcția Politici Comerciale și Afaceri Europene Calea Victoriei nr. 152, sector 1 București cod 010096 Tel. +40 21 40 10 552 Fax +40 21 40 10 594 Email:

SLOVENIJA Ministrstvo za finance Finančna uprava Republike Slovenije Finančni urad Kranj Oddelek za TARIC Spodnji Plavž 6c SI-4270 Jesenice Tel. +386 4 202 75 83 Fax +386 4 202 49 69 Email:

SLOVENSKO Ministerstvo hospodárstva Mierová 19 827 15 Bratislava 212 Slovenská republika Fax (421-2) 43 42 39 15

SUOMI/FINLAND Tulli PL 512 FI-00101 Helsinki Sähköposti: Tullen PB 512 FI-00101 Helsingfors Email:

SVERIGE Kommerskollegium Box 6803 S-113 86 Stockholm Fax (46-8) 30 67 59

UNITED KINGDOM Department for International Trade Import Licensing Branch

          (d)        Date and name of publication where licensing procedures are published

Date of publication:  26.04.2018

                        Source of publication: Official Journal of the European Union, L 106, 26.04.2018

           (e)        Indication of whether the licensing procedure is

[X] automatic.  If so please indicate:  (f) the administrative purpose: To collect advanced statistical information on the intention to import.

            [ ] nonautomatic.  If so please indicate:  (g) the measure being implemented through the import licensing procedure:  In the case of non-automatic licensing procedures, their administrative purpose :


           (h)        Expected duration of the licensing procedure if this can be estimated with some probability, and if not, reason why this information cannot be provided

15 May 2020.

3.         Other relevant data or information(i.e. complete title and data concerning the legislation, inclusion or exclusion of certain products from the import licensing regime and list thereof; changes related to the administrative body(ies) for submission of applications, etc.




       [i] "Members which institute licensing procedures or changes in these procedures shall notify the Committee of such within 60 days of publication [...]" (Art. 5.1)