Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - Report (2017) of the Working Party on State Trading Enterprises


1  OrganiZation of the work of the Working Party

1.  The Working Party on State Trading Enterprises was established by the Council for Trade in Goods at its meeting of 20 February 1995, pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (hereinafter "the Understanding"). Membership of the Working Party is open to all Members indicating their wish to serve on it. Observer governments in the General Council of the WTO have observer status in the Working Party.

2.  The mandate of the Working Party is set out in paragraph 5 of the Understanding. The Working Party completed its mandate to develop an illustrative list of state trading relationships and activities with the adoption of the Illustrative List by the Council for Trade in Goods on 15 October 1999 (G/STR/4). Having also completed the mandated revision of the questionnaire on state trading, the Working Party now reviews notifications, in light of the revised questionnaire adopted on 14 November 2003 (G/STR/3/Rev.1), as well as counter-notifications.

3.  This Report is submitted under paragraph 5 of the Understanding, which provides that the Working Group shall report annually to the Council for Trade in Goods. It sets out the activities of the Working Party during the review period, which runs from 22 October 2016 through 9 November 2017. During this period, the Working Party held one formal meeting under the Chairmanship of Ms Yeili Rangel Peñaranda (Colombia) on 9 May 2017 and one formal meeting under the Chairmanship of Ms. Rike Octaviana (Indonesia) on 9 November 2017. The minutes of the former have been circulated as document G/STR/M/31, while minutes of the latter will be circulated as G/STR/M/32.