Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to questionnaire on import licensing procedures - Notification under article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures (2017) - Hong Kong, China



Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on
Import Licensing Procedures (201

        Hong Kong, China

The following communication[2], dated 26 September 2017, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Hong Kong, China.





In accordance with Article 7.3 of the WTO Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures, Hong Kong, China submits herewith its reply to the Annual Questionnaire. The changes for this year include (i) the implementation of the Dutiable Commodities System under section 3.1; and (ii) the update on the schedules of chemicals under section 6.2. The Annexes referred to in the notification are kept in the Secretariat for reference.

[1] See document G/LIC/3, Annex, for the Questionnaire.

[2] This notification replaces the notification circulated in document G/LIC/N/3/HKG/20 dated 12 September 2016.  Annexes I-XXIX referred to in the notification are available for consultation in the Secretariat (Market Access Division).  Most of the Annexes can also be viewed/downloaded from the webpages specified.