Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - Question posed by Australia regarding the new and full notification of Canada


Question Posed By australia
regarding the new and full notification of canada[1]

The following communication, dated 30 September 2016, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of Australia.






In Canada's latest STE notification (G/STR/N/16/CAN) Canada describes the function of the Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) as chairing and supporting the work of the Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee (CMSMC). Based on this description, and owing to its involvement in Canada's milk production and management issues, could Canada please:


a.    Explain the role of the CDC in authorising the extension of the 4M special milk class?

b.    Are products made from 4M special milk class eligible for export by the CDC or other Canadian entities? If so what volumes of products have been exported?

c.    What, if any is the role of the CDC, in authorising or permitting the introduction of the new milk class Ontario Class 6 milk?

d.    What is the intended role of the CDC with respect to the Dairy Ingredients Strategy?

e.    How will the Dairy Ingredients Strategy will be implemented with respect to the CDC?

f.     We note that in the past when responding to questions on the Dairy Ingredients Strategy the Canadian Government has answered that it was not involved in the negotiation of the Strategy. If this is the case then we presume that there is no role for the CDC or CMSCMC in implementing the Strategy on a national basis or allowing for its operation, is this the case?


[1] G/STR/N/16/CAN.