Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Information on activities - Communication from the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex)


Communication from the Codex Alimentarius Commission (codex)

The following communication, received on 21 June 2016, is being circulated at the request of the Codex secretariat.





1  CODEX SESSIONs since the last MEETING OF THE Committee (MARCH 2016)

·    48th Codex Committee on Food Additives (Xi'an, China, 14-18 March 2016)

·    10th Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (Rotterdam, Netherlands, 4-8 April 2016)

·    30th Codex Committee on General Principle (Paris, France, 11–15 April 2016)

·    48th Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (Chongqing, China, 25–29 April 2016)

·    43rd Codex Committee on Food Labelling (Ottawa, Canada, 9–13 May 2016)

·    71st Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Rome, Italy, 20–23 June 2016)

·    39th Codex Alimentarius Commission (Rome, Italy, 27 June – 1 July 2016)

In particular, the SPS Committee may wish to note the following:

1.1.  The Codex Committee on Food Additives continued its work on food additive provisions of the General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA), amendments to the International Numbering System for Food Additives, and Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food Additives. The Committee finalized work on: the alignment of the food additives provisions for the standards for chocolate and chocolate products; the revision of food category 01.1 "Milk and dairy-based drinks" and related sub-categories of the GSFA; and the revision of the General Standard for the Labelling of Food Additives When Sold As Such (CODEX STAN 107-1981). The Committee updated the priority list of compounds to be evaluated by JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives).

Full report: _

1.2.  The Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods completed its work on the establishment of maximum levels for inorganic arsenic in husked rice; the revision of maximum levels for lead in selected fruits and vegetables (fresh and processed) in the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995); and Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Mycotoxin Contamination in Cereals (CAC/RCP 51-2003) (general provisions) and the proposed draft Annexes on zearalenone, fumonisins, ochratoxin A, trichothecenes and aflatoxins (specific provisions). The Committee continues its work on; proposed draft annex on ergot and ergot alkaloids in cereal grains; proposed draft maximum levels for lead in selected fruits and vegetables (fresh and processed) and other selected food categories; proposed draft Code of Practice for the prevention and reduction of arsenic contamination in rice; proposed draft maximum levels for cadmium in chocolate and cocoa-derived products; proposed draft code of practice for the prevention and reduction of mycotoxin contamination in spices and its annexes; and proposed draft maximum level for total aflatoxins in ready-to-eat peanuts. The next Session of the Committee will also consider discussion papers on: maximum levels for mycotoxins in spices; methylmercury in fish; and non-dioxin like PCBs in the code of practice for the prevention and reduction of dioxins and dioxin-like PCB.

Full report: _

1.3.  The Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues finalized a number of new and revised maximum residue limits for pesticides and updated the priority list of pesticides for evaluation by JMPR (Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues) in 2016. The Committee continues work on: the revision of the Classification of Foods and Feeds including examples of selection of representative commodities; guidance on performance criteria for methods of analysis for the determination of pesticide residues; and the priority list and schedules of pesticides for evaluation by JMPR in the coming years.

Full report: _

1.4.  For the following Committees, orally report will be made for the matters relevant to SPS Committee.

·    71st Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Rome, Italy, 20–23 June 2016)

·    39th Codex Alimentarius Commission (Rome, Italy, 27 June – 1 July 2016)

2  Forthcoming CODEX Meetings

·    72nd Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Geneva, Switzerland, 30 August – 1 September 2016)

·    28th Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables (Washington D.C., USA, 12‑16 September 2016)

2.1.  Next round of FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committees start in September 2016 from CCNASWP.
