Committee on Safeguards - Notification under article 12.1(a) of the Agreement on Safeguards on initiation of an investigation and the reasons for it - Questions posed by the European Union regarding the notification of India - Seamless pipes, tubes and hollow profiles of iron or non – alloy steel (other than cast iron and stainless steel)

notification under article 12.1(a) of the agreement on
safeguards on initiation of an investigation and
the reasons for it

questions posed by THE european union
regarding the notification of india

(Seamless pipes, tubes and hollow profiles of iron or non – alloy steel

(other than cast iron and stainless steel))

The following communication, dated 16 April 2014, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of the European Union.





1.     India has published the final findings on 11 March 2014. Can you please let us know when it will be notified to the WTO and what is the intended delay for the actual entering into force of the measures?


2.     The EU would like to know on what grounds India justifies the imposition of SG measures in this case? In particular:


[1] G/SG/N/6/IND/32.