Ministerial Conference - Ninth Session - Bali, 3 - 6 December 2013 - Statement by Hon. Lord Stephen Green - Minister for Trade and Investment - United Kingdom

Statement by Hon. Lord Stephen GREEN

Minister for Trade and Investment

United Kingdom

In Doha we committed ourselves to strengthening the multilateral trading system so that it can play its full part in promoting recovery, growth and development. Here, at this Conference we must now rally behind the Chairman and the Director-General in order to take some significant steps towards fulfilling that vision.


The WTO has proven its value in preserving the openness of global trade. Here, at this Conference we must show its value by significantly improving that openness.


The international trading system faces many new challenges. But by working together here in Bali we now have the opportunity to show that it is possible for us to reach agreement on difficult issues – in a way that benefits us all – and which strengthens the system for everyone, in particular the least developed amongst us. We all have had to make some compromises, but we all stand to gain much more.


I welcome the accession of Yemen. I am delighted that, at the end of a long road, one more Least-Developed Country has acceded. I hope that at our next Ministerial Conference we will be able to welcome several more LDCs as well as other nations to this organization. Accessions strengthen the multilateral trading system, as well as strengthening the acceding nations. 


I welcome the important decisions that I hope we will take in relation to agriculture and on the range of issues for Least-Developed Countries. These will progress the trade agenda for all, especially the poorest.


But most importantly I welcome the agreement we have so nearly reached on trade facilitation. Everyone here is aware of its significance both for jobs and growth in our economies, and in particular land locked Least-Developed Countries. This will be a major achievement:


-        one that will be welcomed by businesses everywhere that have experienced frustrating, time consuming and costly procedures getting their goods across borders;


-     one that will avoid food rotting in trucks and ships waiting at borders;


-     one that will provide jobs and growth for every country on this planet.