Dispute Settlement Body - Minutes of Meeting - Held in the Centre William Rappard on 25 June 2012

1.                  Surveillance of implementation of recommendations adopted by the DSB

(a)        United States – Section 211 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1998:  Status report by the United States (WT/DS176/11/Add.115)


(b)        United States – Anti-dumping measures on certain hot-rolled steel products from Japan:  Status report by the United States (WT/DS184/15/Add.115)


(c)        United States – Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act:  Status report by the United States (WT/DS160/24/Add.90)


(d)       European Communities – Measures affecting the approval and marketing of biotech products:  Status report by the European Union (WT/DS291/37/Add.53)


(e)        United States – Anti-dumping administrative reviews and other measures related to imports of certain orange juice from Brazil:  Status report by the United States (WT/DS382/10/Add.6)


(f)        United States – Definitive anti-dumping and countervailing duties on certain products from China:  Status report by the United States (WT/DS379/12/Add.5)


(g)        Thailand – Customs and fiscal measures on cigarettes from the Philippines:  Status report by Thailand (WT/DS371/15/Add.2)


(h)        United States – Anti-dumping measures on certain shrimp from Viet Nam:  Status report by the United States (WT/DS404/11/Add.1)