Trade Policy Review Body - Report to the TPRB from the Director-General on Trade-Related Developments - Revision

World Trade Organization WT/TPR/OV/W/5/Rev.1* 7 September 2011 (11-4358) Trade Policy Review Body REPORT TO THE TPRB FROM THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON TRADE-RELATED DEVELOPMENTS Revision This Report reviews trade and trade-related developments in the period from mid-October 2010 to end-April 2011. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Trade restrictions over the past six months have become more pronounced than in previous periods The monitoring of trade measures reveals that trade restrictions taken by WTO Members and Observer Governments over the past six months have become more pronounced than in previous periods. The collective resolve and political courage to resist protectionism in the context of the global crisis which was a positive characteristic over the past few years may now be under stress. Nevertheless, the severity of the global crisis and the various important challenges currently confronting the world economy, such as an unbalanced economic recovery, persiste