Committee on Government Procurement - Notification of national implementing legislation - Communication from Japan pursuant to article XXIV:5(b) of the GPA - Addendum



Communication from Japan Pursuant to Article XXIV:5(b)[1] of the GPA





            The following communication, dated 12 April 2011, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Japan.





            Pursuant to Article XXIV, paragraph 5(b) of the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement, the Government of Japan wishes to inform the Committee on Government Procurement of the following.[2]





Notification of the revision to the "Basic Policy for the Promotion
of the procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services" under
the "Law Concerning the Promotion of the Procurement
of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services by the State
and Other Entities"

[1] Article XXIV:5(b) reads as follows:  National Legislation "(b) Each Party shall inform the Committee of any changes in its laws and regulations relevant to this Agreement and in the administration of such laws and regulations."

[2] Previous notifications of Japan's implementing legislation were made in GPA/37, dated 20 June 2000;  GPA/67, dated 15 April 2002;  GPA/37/Add.1, dated 7 April 2004, GPA/37/Add.2, dated 21 March 2005;  GPA/37/Add.3, dated 15 March 2006;  GPA/37/Add.4, dated 13 March 2007;  GPA/37/Add.5, dated 1 April 2008;  GPA/99, dated 2 June 2009;  GPA/99/Add.1, dated 23 July 2009;  GPA/37/Add.6, dated 23 July 2009;  GPA/99/Add.2, dated 31 May 2010;  and GPA/37/Add.7, dated 6 July 2010.