Committee on Government Procurement - Report (2010) of the Committee on Government Procurement

World Trade Organization GPA/106 9 December 2010 (106657) REPORT (2010) OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT GENERAL This report covers the period since the Committee's previous Annual Report, that is January – December 2010. It is issued pursuant to Article XXIV:7(a) of the Agreement on Government Procurement ("the Agreement" or "the GPA"). An Addendum to the report may be issued if appropriate to reflect the informal sessions that are expected to continue through the next few days, or any related developments. Since the last Annual Report, the Committee has held four formal meetings: on 10 February, 3 March, and 7 and 9 December 2010. These meetings were chaired by Mr. Nicholas Niggli (Switzerland). The Committee has also held a series of informal meetings, also chaired by Mr. Niggli, focusing on accessions to the Agreement, the negotiations under Article XXIV:7 of the Agreement, and other matters, in the weeks beginning 8 February, 26 Apri