Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - WTO Secretariat Technical Cooperation in the TRIPS Area - Note by the Secretariat

World Trade Organization IP/C/W/553 25 October 2010 (10-5553) Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights wto secretariat technical cooperation in the trips area Note by the Secretariat This document reports on the WTO Secretariat's technical cooperation activities concerning TRIPS undertaken between 1 October 2009 and 30 September 2010. It covers activities that specifically relate to intellectual property and the TRIPS Agreement, as well as some of a broader character which have a significant intellectual property component. It follows the previous report to the TRIPS Council contained in document IP/C/W/535, dated 29 September 2009. Main Orientations The Secretariat's technical cooperation activities in relation to TRIPS have continued to be directed towards assisting Members to understand the rights and obligations, including the available options, which flow from the TRIPS Agreement and relevant decisions of WTO