Trade Policy Review: China - Restructuring and further trade liberalization are keys to sustaining growth

PRESS RELEASE PRESS/TPRB/330 2 June 2010 (10-3050) trade policy review: China Restructuring and further trade liberalization are keys to sustaining growth The third WTO Review of China's trade policies and practices and their impact on the functioning of the multilateral trading system took place in Geneva on 31 May and 2 June 2010. At a time of heightened trade tensions around the world as governments manage the economic consequences of last year's global recession and 12 percent drop in world trade flows, this Trade Policy Review (TPR) of China has highlighted the valuable role that the WTO's TPR Mechanism plays by increasing transparency, encouraging consultation and cooperation among WTO Members, and helping to avoid misunderstandings and, ultimately, trade disputes when trade frictions arise. A well-functioning multilateral trading system has contributed considerably to China's sustainable economic growth and development. The global recession had a substant