Committee on Balance of Payments Restrictions - Consultations with Ecuador - Communication from Ecuador

World Trade Organization WT/BOP/G/17 15 September 2009 (094334) Committee on BalanceofPayments Restrictions Original: Spanish CONSULTATIONS WITH ECUADOR Communication from Ecuador The following communication, dated 8 September 2009, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Ecuador. _______________ Report by Ecuador BalanceofPayments Committee World Trade Organization Pursuant to the commitments undertaken by Ecuador during the consultations held within the framework of the BalanceofPayments Committee meetings of 22 and 24 April 2009 and 2 and 3 June 2009, as set out in the conclusions of the Committee report contained in document WT/BOP/R/91 of 11 June 2009, attached please find the periodic report corresponding to the Committee meetings of September 2009, in accordance with Article XVIII:B 12(b) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 7 of the Understanding on the BalanceofPayments Provisions of the GATT 1994. By me