Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Special Session - Multilateral Notification and Registration Systems - Note by the Secretariat - Revision

World Trade Organization TN/IP/W/4/Add.1/Rev.1 16 February 2005 (05-0643) Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Special Session Multilateral Notification and Registration Systems Note by the Secretariat Revision The WTO CENTRAL REGISTRY OF NOTIFICATIONS (crn) Document TN/IP/W/4/Add.1 of 27 November 2002 provides information on the WTO Central Registry of Notifications (CRN). At its meeting of 30 November 2004, the Special Session of the Council for TRIPS agreed that the Secretariat would update document TN/IP/W/4/Add.1 to take into account any new developments concerning the CRN. The CRN was established in 1995 pursuant to the Decision on Notification Procedures, adopted by Ministers at Marrakesh (see the Annex to this document). According to its Preamble, the Decision is aimed at improving the operation of notification procedures under the WTO Multilateral Trade Agreements and, where applicable, the P