Brazil - Export Financing Programme for Aircraft - Recourse to Arbitration by Brazil under Article 22.6 of the DSU and Article 4.11 of the SCM Agreement - Decision by the Arbitrators

World Trade Organization WT/DS46/ARB 28 August 2000 (00-3387) BRAZIL – EXPORT FINANCING PROGRAMME FOR AIRCRAFT RECOURSE TO ARBITRATION BY BRAZIL UNDER ARTICLE 22.6 OF THE DSU AND ARTICLE 4.11 OF THE SCM AGREEMENT DECISION BY THE ARBITRATORS The Decision of the Arbitrators on Brazil – Export Financing Programme for Aircraft  Recourse to Arbitration by Brazil under Article 22.6 of the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) and Article 4.11 of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM)  is being circulated to all Members, pursuant to the DSU. The report is being circulated as an unrestricted document from 28 August 2000 pursuant to the Procedures for the Circulation and Derestriction of WTO Documents (WT/L/160/Rev.1). TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction 1 A. Request for Arbitration and selection of the arbitrators 1 B. Presentation of this report 1 II. Preliminary Issues 2 A. Timetable for the arbitr