Trade in Services - Rwanda - Draft Converted Schedule of Specific Commitments

World Trade Organisation S/DCS/W/RWA 24 January 2003 (03-0430) Trade in Services Original: French rwanda Draft converted Schedule of Specific Commitments Attached is a draft converted Schedule of Specific Commitments of Rwanda in word format. This document does not substitute for the legally binding commitments undertaken by Rwanda in its Schedule of Specific Commitments (GATS/SC/107). The draft converted version of the Schedule was prepared by the Secretariat, at the request of Members, to facilitate the process of negotiations, including the presentation of initial offers. _______________ RWANDA – LISTE D’ENGAGEMENTS SPECIFIQUES Modes de fourniture: Fourniture transfrontières Consommation à l’étranger Présence commerciale Présence de personnes physiques Secteur ou sous-secteur Limitations concernant l’accès aux marchés Limitations concernant le traitement national Engagements additionnels 1. SERVICES FOURNIS AUX ENTREPRISES A. Servi