Committee on Agriculture - Special Session - Summary Report on the Sixth Meeting of the Special Session Held on 22 - 23 March 2001 - Note by the Secretariat

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED G/AG/NG/R/6 2 August 2001 (01-3831) Committee on Agriculture Special Session SUMMARY REPORT ON THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE SPECIAL SESSION HELD ON 22-23 MARCH 2001 Note by the Secretariat As agreed by the General Council at its meeting of 7-8 February 2000 the negotiations under Article 20 of the Agreement on Agriculture on continuing the reform process of agriculture trade were conducted in a Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture (WT/GC/M/53 paragraph 39 refers). The sixth such meeting took place on 22–23 March under the Chairmanship of Ambassador Jorge Voto-Bernales of Peru. The present report provides a detailed summary of the Committee's discussions on substantive matters under the relevant agenda items and should be read in conjunction with the short factual report to the General Council on the meeting as a whole by the Chairman (G/AG/NG/6, copy attached). Unless otherwise stated, all references to do