Working Group on Implementation - Suggestions for New Topics of Discussion in the Ad Hoc Group on Implementation - Proposal by the European Communities

World Trade Organization G/ADP/AHG/W/146 6 December 2002 (02-6749) Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices Working Group on Implementation Original: English SUGGESTIONS FOR NEW TOPICS OF DISCUSSION IN THE AD HOC GROUP ON IMPLEMENTATION Proposal by the European Communities The following communication, dated 29 November 2002, has been received from the Permanent Delegation of the European Commission. _______________ At the meeting of the Working Group on Implementation of 21-22 October 2002, Members were invited to reflect on new topics for discussion and to submit proposals. The EC would like to respond to this invitation by submitting the following list of topics which may be interesting for discussion in the Group. A similar list of topics had already been proposed in the meeting of 22 October 2001 (see G/ADP/AHG/W/117). It has been updated in order to take account of the Doha Implementation Mandate and of recent panels. It is recognize