Negotiating Group on Rules - Elements of a Steel Subsidies Agreement - Comments from the United States

TN/RL/W/95 World Trade Organization TN/RL/W/95 5 May 2003 (03-2379) Negotiating Group on Rules Original: English ELEMENTS OF A STEEL SUBSIDIES AGREEMENT Comments from the United States The following communication, dated 2 May 2003, has been received from the Permanent Mission of the United States. _______________ The attached paper is provided by the United States for the information of other WTO Member delegations participating in the Rules Negotiating Group. Delegations will recall the December 2002 communiqué from the OECD High Level Group on Steel instructing work to begin “on the elements of an agreement for reducing or eliminating tradedistorting subsidies in steel” (TN/RL/W/24). In followup to that decision, the OECD Secretariat drafted for the consideration and comment of all participants in that process a list of questions and propositions relating to seventeen proposed elements of a steel subsidies agreement. In turn, the United S