Questionnaire Concerning the Workshop on Technical Assistance and Differential Treatment in the Context of the TBT Agreement - Note by the Secretariat

World Trade Organization RESTRICTED G/TBT/W/127 13 March 2000 (00-1014) Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade questionnaire concerning the Workshop on Technical Assistance and Differential Treatment in the Context of the TBT agreement Note by the Secretariat At its meeting of 25 February 2000, the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade agreed to hold a Workshop on Technical Assistance and Special and Differential Treatment in the context of the TBT Agreement this year. The workshop would provide the opportunity for Members that require technical assistance to inform Members of the Committee and relevant organizations of any difficulties encountered and technical assistance needed in the TBT area. At the same time, Members and international organizations which provide technical assistance in this respect can make use of this occasion to communicate to the Committee any information concerning their technical assistance programmes. The object