Special and Differential Treatment Provisions

World Trade
Organization TN/CTD/W/28
14 February 2003
(03-0949) Committee on Trade and Development
Special Session Original:  English


Joint Communication from the African Group in the WTO

The following communication, dated 29 January 2003, has been received from the Permanent Mission of Kenya on behalf of the African Group. 


Part I

Proposed Improvement on the Chairman’s Text

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
Article XXXVI


The General Council agrees that, provided this shall be without prejudice to any preferential regime governing the exports of developing and least-developed country Members maintained by developed country Members, the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 7 of Article XXXVI of GATT 1994 are binding commitments on the part of developed country Members in favour of developing and least-developed country Members to:

ensure a rapid and