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International Trade Policy and European Industry

Marcel van Marion, International Trade Policy and European Industry (Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014, 454 pages) Whoever said that international trade policy is boring has not read this book by Mr Marcel van Marion, a former leader of the international trade policy unit at Philips. The book provides a vivid and slightly irate account of the demise of the European electronics industry. Based on a lifetime of experience and knowledge, the author shares his personal insider views on the roles that EU trade policy, domestic producers, foreign exporters, trade lawyers, as well as a variety of other actors played in facilitating this downfall. The book is rich with anecdotes, factual information, graphs, diagrams, pictures, and tables. Mr Van Marion has first-hand knowledge and direct practical experience from the trenches, in this 'war' that the EU electronics industry eventually lost. The discussion follows a logical historical and topical sequence. Starting with subjects such as voluntary export restraints, quotas, and orderly market arrangements, the book gradually dives deeper into hard-core trade war concerning alleged dumping of electronic products such as Video Cassette Recorders, Compact Disc Players, Colour Televisions, Fax Machines, Fluorescent Lamps, etc. The book also tackles horizontal issues such as rules of origin, classification, anti-circumvention, as well as an economic theory behind anti-dumping measures. In order to provide a better taste of certain pertinent parts of this book I have below included some representative quotes from the horse's mouth.

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