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1 Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Informal Group on Anti-Circumvention - Presentation by Canada at the Informal Group on Anti-Circumvention Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices2018/10/31G/ADP/IG/W/57 838
2 Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Informal Group on Anti-Circumvention - The Enforce and Protect Act of 2015 - Section 421 - Investigation of evasion of trade remedy laws - Submission by the United States United States2016/11/02G/ADP/IG/W/561058
3 Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Informal Group on Anti-Circumvention - Antidumping duty evasion services - Paper from the United States United States2015/03/17G/ADP/IG/W/541266
4 Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Working Group on Implementation - Articles 6.10 and 9.4 - Samplign and all others rate - Paper by Brazil Brazil2014/09/22G/ADP/AHG/W/2011230
5 Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Working Group on Implementation - How do Members determine whether there has been a significant price undercutting by the dumped imports? - Article 3.2 - Paper by Brazil Brazil2013/10/28 967
6 Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Working Group on Implementation - Article 5.3 : Accuracy and adquacy test - Paper by Bresil Brazil2013/10/14 1122
7 Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Working Group on Implementation - Article 5.3 : accuracy and adequacy - Paper by jamaica Jamaica2013/06/10 1112
8 Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices - Working Group on Implementation - Article 2.2 - Export price to a third country or constructed normal value - Paper by Jamaica Jamaica2013/06/10 1074
9 Working Group on Implementation - Summary Report of the Meeting of the Working Group on Implementation of the Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices, 22 - 23 April 2002 - Note by the Secretariat WTO Secretariat2013/03/26 1095
10 Working Group on Implementation - Draft Recommendation Concerning Conditions of Competition That May Be Relevant to a Decision Whether a Cumulative Assessment of the Ef[...]orts is Appropriate - Revision WTO2013/03/26 1159