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1 Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - New and full notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII - Eswatini Eswatini 2024/07/17G/STR/N/20/SWZ 303
2 Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - Updating notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII - Iceland Iceland2017/11/29G/STR/N/8/ISL, G/STR/N/9/ISL 888
3 Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - New and full notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATt 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII - South Africa South Africa2016/04/22G/STR/N/16/ZAF1105
4 Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - Updating notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII - Malawi Malawi2015/07/07G/STR/N/5/MWI, G/STR/N/8/MWI, G/STR/N/9/MWI1091
5 Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - Updating notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII - Malawi Malawi2015/06/25G/STR/N/2/MWI, G/STR/N/3/MWI, G/STR/N/6/MWI1170
6 Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - Updating notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII - Nicaragua Nicaragua2015/02/24G/STR/N/2/NIC, G/STR/N/3/NIC, G/STR/N/5/NIC, G/STR/N/6/NIC, G/STR/N/8/NIC, G/STR/N/9/NIC1186
7 Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - Updating notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the understanding on the interpretation of article XVII - Burkina Faso Burkina Faso2014/09/09G/STR/N/2/BFA, G/STR/N/3/BFA, G/STR/N/5/BFA, G/STR/N/6/BFA, G/STR/N/8/BFA, G/STR/N/9/BFA1054
8 Working pParty on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - Updating and new and full notifications pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of article XVII - Costa Rica - Corrigendum Costa Rica2014/07/23G/STR/N/9/CRI/Corr.1, G/STR/N/10/CRI/Corr.1, G/STR/N/11/CRI/Corr.1, G/STR/N/12/CRI/Corr.1, G/STR/N/13/CRI/Corr.1, G/STR/N/14/CRI/Corr.1, G/STR/N/15/CRI/Corr.11040
9 Working Party on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - Updating notification pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII - Senegal Senegal2014/07/16G/STR/N/2/SEN, G/STR/N/3/SEN, G/STR/N/5/SEN, G/STR/N/6/SEN, G/STR/N/8/SEN, G/STR/N/9/SEN1037
10 Working pParty on State Trading Enterprises - State trading - Updating and new and full notifications pursuant to article XVII:4(a) of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of article XVII - Costa Rica Costa Rica2014/06/30G/STR/N/9/CRI, G/STR/N/10/CRI, G/STR/N/11/CRI, G/STR/N/12/CRI, G/STR/N/13/CRI, G/STR/N/14/CRI, G/STR/N/15/CRI1265