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筆數: /頁
1 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products - Communication from New Zealand New Zealand2005/08/19 1926
2 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products - Communication from Norway Norway2005/08/19 1873
3 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products - Communication from Switzerland SWITZERLAND2005/08/19 1956
4 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products - Communication from Turkey Turkey2005/08/19 2020
5 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products - Singapore, 13 December 1996 Singapore2005/08/19 1710
6 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Papua New Guinea - Statement by The Honourable Kilroy Genia, M.P., Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade - Revision Papua New Guinea2005/05/20 940
7 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Namibia - Statement by the Honourable Hidipo Hamutenya, Minister of Trade and Industry - Revision Namibia2005/05/20 855
8 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Seychelles - Statement by H.E. Mr. Jean-Christophe Iseux, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Seychelles to the WTO at Geneva (Speaking as an Observer) Seychelles2005/05/20 959
9 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Remarks by Norway's Minister of Development Cooperation WTO Secretariat2005/05/20 1109
10 Ministerial Conference, Singapore - Singapore Ministerial Declaration - Adopted on 13 December 1996. WTO Secretariat2005/05/20 1041