
1 G/TBT/N/TUN/27 突尼西亞 通知- 與人類食用起司類似之食品
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - Food products similar to cheese for human consumption
2019/01/10 2019/3/8 詳細內容
2 G/TBT/N/TUN/26 突尼西亞 通知-罐頭鮪魚和罐頭鰹魚
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - Canned tuna and canned bonito
2018/07/16 2018/9/14 詳細內容
3 G/TBT/N/TUN/24 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - Masonry cement 2009/04/03 2009/4/30 詳細內容
4 G/TBT/N/TUN/25 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - Building lime 2009/04/03 2009/4/30 詳細內容
5 G/TBT/N/TUN/23 學校練習本
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - School exercise books and similar articles (International Classification for Standards
2008/11/18 2008/12/30 詳細內容
6 G/TBT/N/TUN/21 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - Fresh potatoes and tomatoes 2008/08/05 2008/9/10 詳細內容
7 G/TBT/N/TUN/22 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - Packaged natural mineral water and drinking water 2008/08/05 2008/9/10 詳細內容
8 G/TBT/N/TUN/20 預包裝食品的標示及描述
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - Labelling and presentation of pre-packaged foods
2008/07/22 2008/9/25 詳細內容
9 G/TBT/N/TUN/19 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - Honey 2008/05/29 2008/7/20 詳細內容
10 G/TBT/N/TUN/18 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Tunisia - Labelling and presentation of pre-packaged foods 2007/04/20 2007/4/15 詳細內容