依 HS Code 分類

1 G/TBT/N/GBR/71/Add.1 英國 追加通知-葡萄酒
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - United Kingdom - Alcoholic beverages - Addendum
2024/09/19 詳細內容
2 G/TBT/N/KHM/23/Add.2 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Cambodia - Methanol in rice wine products - Addendum 2024/09/02 詳細內容
3 G/TBT/N/DOM/232/Add.1/Rev.1 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Dominican Republic - Finished alcohol and tobacco products - Revision 2024/07/31 2024/9/30 詳細內容
4 G/TBT/N/KHM/23/Add.1 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Cambodia - Rice wine products - Addendum 2024/07/31 詳細內容
5 G/TBT/N/KHM/23 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Cambodia - Rice wine products 2024/07/29 2024/9/29 詳細內容
6 G/TBT/N/PER/162 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Peru - Adhesives for food packaging labels 2024/07/26 2024/9/30 詳細內容
7 G/TBT/N/THA/747 泰國 通知-酒精飲料
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Thailand - Alcoholic beverages
2024/07/24 2024/9/23 詳細內容
8 G/TBT/N/CHN/1827/Add.1 中國大陸 追加通知-預包裝食品
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - China - Labelling requirements for prepackaged foods - Addendum
2024/07/23 詳細內容
9 G/TBT/N/SWE/157 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Sweden - Alcoholic beverages 2024/07/11 2024/9/10 詳細內容
10 G/TBT/N/BRA/826/Add.7 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Brazil - Organic production - Addendum 2024/05/29 詳細內容