依 HS Code 分類

1 G/TBT/N/BRA/826/Add.7 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Brazil - Organic production - Addendum 2024/05/29 詳細內容
2 G/TBT/N/USA/2027/Add.1 美國 追加通知-石油和天然氣系統
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - United States - Petroleum and natural gas systems - Addendum
2024/05/15 詳細內容
3 G/TBT/N/USA/1880/Add.3 美國 追加通知-溫室氣體
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - United States - Data elements under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule - Addendum
2024/04/29 詳細內容
4 G/TBT/N/GBR/83 英國 通知-精密培育的植物、食品和飼料
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - United Kingdom - Organisms produced through precision breeding technologies
2024/04/12 2024/6/11 詳細內容
5 G/TBT/N/USA/2065 美國 通知-空氣品質
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - United States - Air quality
2023/11/06 2023/12/22 詳細內容
6 G/TBT/N/IDN/159 印尼 通知-強制性清真認證的產品和服務
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Indonesia - Products and services that mandatory to be halal certified
2023/11/02 2024/1/1 詳細內容
7 G/TBT/N/IDN/161 印尼 通知-強制獲得清真認證的產品和服務
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Indonesia - Products and services that mandatory to be halal certified
2023/11/02 2024/1/1 詳細內容
8 G/TBT/N/IDN/162 印尼 通知-強制清真認證的產品和服務
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Indonesia - Products and services that mandatory to be halal certified
2023/11/02 2024/1/1 詳細內容
9 G/TBT/N/SVN/123 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Slovenia - Planting material 2023/10/10 2023/12/13 詳細內容
10 G/TBT/N/CHE/282 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Switzerland - All composed food and all food bearing a health claim 2023/10/06 詳細內容