
NCPC Descriptions of the GATS Sectoral Classification List Entries

W120 3-C Construction and related engineering services/ Installation and assembly work
中文 安裝和組裝工作
UNCPC 514+516
UNCPC 說明 Installation and assembly work : This item includes such activities as the assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions, installation work for heating and air conditioning, water plumbing, gas fitting, electrical wiring, fire alarm construction, insulation, fencing and lift construction.

514 5140 51400 Assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions

Installation on site of complete prefabricated buildings or other constructions, or the assembly and erection of prefabricated sections on sites into buildings or other constructions except erection work of prefabricated steel parts.

Exclusion: Erection work of prefabricated steel parts for buildings and other structures is classified in subclass 51550 (Steel bending and erection (incl. welding)).

516 Installation work

This Group is divided into the following Classes:

 5161 51610 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning work

Special trade construction work involving electric or non-electric heating, ventilation, refrigeration or air conditioning equipment. Duct work and other related sheet-metal work performed as an integral part of such work is included.

Exclusion: Electric heating appliance installation work is classified in subclass 51649 (Other electrical construction work).

 5162 51620 Water plumbing and drain laying work

Special trade construction work involving primary hot and cold water piping systems (i.e. plumbing), including sprinkler installation, draining (except sewerage or stormwater drains construction work) and septic tank installation. Plumbing work arising from the installation of appliances is included.

Exclusions: Sewerage or stormwater drains construction work is classified in subclass 51330 (General construction work for waterways, harbours, dams and other waterworks).

Installation work of space heating is classified in subclass 51610 (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning work).

 5163 51630 Gas fitting construction work

Special trade construction work involving natural gas fitting and dry heating systems, except electric heating and duct work.

Exclusion: Space heating, ventilating and air conditioning work is classified in subclass 51610, whether or not for use with gas.

 5164 Electrical work

  51641 Electrical wiring and fitting work

Special trade construction work involving the installation of the basic electrical wiring network or of fittings in buildings or other construction projects.

Exclusion: Insulation work of electrical wiring from water piping is classified in subclass 51650 (Insulation work).

  51642 Fire alarm construction work

Special trade construction work of fire alarm, fire fighting and fire escape equipment.

Exclusions: Sprinkler installation work is classified in subclass 51620 (Water plumbing and drain-laying work).Fireproofing work is classified in subclass 51650 (Insulation work (electricial wiring, water, heat, sound)).

  51643 Burglar alarm system construction work

Special trade construction work of burglar alarm systems at the construction site.

  51644 Residential antenna construction work

Special trade construction work of residential antennas and aerials. Installation work of lightning conductors is included.

  51649 Other electrical construction work

Other special trade electrical construction work, not elsewhere classified, e.g. highway lighting and electrical signal construction work and sound equipment, electrical heating or telecommunications equipment installation work. Electrical work arising from the installation of appliances is included.

 5165 51650 Insulation work (electrical wiring, water, heat, sound)

Special trade construction work insulating electrical wiring from water piping, and of water, heat or sound, including weather-proofing insulating materials for exterior wall cavities and thermal insulation work to hot and chilled water pipes, boilers and duct runs. Fireproofing work is included.

Exclusion: Water proofing work to roofs is classified in subclass 51530 (Roofing and water proofing).

 5166 51660 Fencing and railing construction work

Special trade construction work of fences, railings and similar enclosures. The fences may be of different materials (wire, wood, steel, fibre glass) and may be used at various sites (courts, playgrounds, residential properties or industrial premises).

 5169 Other installation work

  51691 Lift and escalator construction work

Special trade construction work of lifts and escalators and moving sidewalks. Also included is fire escape equipment construction work (e.g. of staircases).

  51699 Other installation work n.e.c.

Other special trade construction work, not elsewhere classified, involving goods not regarded as part of the basic building structure (e.g. installation work of blinds and awnings).