UNCPC 說明 |
7522 Business network services
75221 Shared network services
Network services necessary to establish telephone communications between selected (point-to-point or multi-point) locations (terminals) via a public (shared) network. This type of service is primarily used to establish long distance voice communications but some versions can also accommodate facsimile and date transmission. It is provided on a pay-as-you-use basis at discount rates over regular long distance telephone charges.
75222 Dedicated network services
Network services necessary to establish telephone communications between selected (point-to-point or multi-point) locations (terminals) via private line(s). This type of service is primarily used to establish voice communications between distant PBX's (tie line), between a distant location and a PBX (off premises extension), between a PBX and a distant exchange area (foreign exchange) or between designated telephone sets, but may also accommodate data transmission. It is provided on a lease basis.
7523 Data and message transmission services
75231 Data network services
Network services necessary to transmit data between equipment using the same or different protocols. This service can be provided via a public or dedicated data network (i.e. via a network dedicated to the customer's use).
75232 Electronic message and information services
Network and related services (hardware and software) necessary to send and receive electronic messages (telegraph and telex/TWX services) and/or to access and manipulate information in databases (so-called value-added network services). |