
NCPC Descriptions of the GATS Sectoral Classification List Entries

W120 11-F-e Transport services/ Road Transport Services/ Supporting services for road transport services
中文 公路運輸服務的輔助性服務
UNCPC 說明 744 Supporting services for road transport services

 7441 74410 Bus station services

Passenger terminal services in connection with urban, suburban and interurban bus passenger transport, on a fee or contract basis.

Exclusion: Baggage and freight handling services are classified in subclass 74190 (Other cargo handling services).

 7442 74420 Highway, bridge and tunnel operation services

Services of fixed facilities operation, such as roads, tunnels, bridges and causeways, on a fee or contract basis.

Exclusion: Services of vehicle parking facilities are classified in subclass 74430 (Parking services).

 7443 74430 Parking services

Parking services provided by car parks, parking lots and parking garages, whether or not roofed.

 7449 74490 Other supporting services for road transport

Commercial road vehicle maintenance and minor repair services, on a fee or contract basis, and other supporting services for road transport, not elsewhere classified.