Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Kenya - Grains of common maize (Zea mays L.)


The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6



Notifying Member: KENYA

If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):


Agency responsible:

Kenya Bureau of Standards

Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers, email and website addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments regarding the notification shall be indicated if different from above:

Kenya Bureau of Standards

WTO/TBT National Enquiry Point P.O. Box: 54974-00200, Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: + (254) 020 605490, 605506/6948258 Fax: + (254) 020 609660/609665 E-mail:; Website:


Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [X], 5.7.1 [ ], 3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ], other:


Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): Maize or corn (HS code(s): 1005); Cereals, pulses and derived products (ICS code(s): 67.060)


Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: DKS 3010:2024 Nixtamalized maize products — Specification; (12 page(s), in English)


Description of content: This Draft Kenya Standard specifies the requirements, sampling and test methods for nixtamalized maize products prepared from the grains of common maize (Zea mays L.) intended for human consumption.


Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where applicable: Consumer information, labelling; Prevention of deceptive practices and consumer protection; Protection of human health or safety; Quality requirements; Reducing trade barriers and facilitating trade


Relevant documents:

1._    KS EAS 768:2019, Fortified milled maize (corn) products — Specification.

2._    Technical Specifications for the manufacture of: Fortified Nixtamalized Maize Flour – Honduras and RBP, version 1, OSCQ, 2018

3._    KS EAS 44-2019,Milled maize (corn)products — Specification

4._    AOAC 965.22, Sorting Corn Grits Sieving Method Modified

5._    AOAC 2011.14, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium and Zinc in fortified food products. Microwave Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry

6._    CODEX STAN 192, Codex general standard for food additives

7._    KS EAS 2, Maize grains — Specification

8._    KS EAS 38, Labelling of pre-packaged foods — Specification

9._    KS EAS 39, Code of practice for hygiene in the food and drink manufacturing industry

10.KS EAS 44, Milled maize (corn)products — Specification

11.KS EAS 768, Fortified Milled Maize (corn) Products - Specification

12.KS EAS 803, Nutrition labelling — Requirements

13.KS EAS 804, Claims on food — General requirements

14.KS EAS 805, Use of Nutrition and Health Claims— Requirements

15.KS EAS 900, Cereals and Pulses – Sampling

16.KS EAS 901, Cereals and Pulses – Test Methods

17.KS ISO 11085, Cereals, cereals-based products and animal feeding stuffs — Determination of crude fat and total fat content by the Randall extraction method

18.KS ISO 16649-2, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the enumeration of beta-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli — Part 2: Colony-count technique at 44 degrees C using 5- bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl beta-D-glucuronide

19.KS ISO 21527-2, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds — Part 2: Colony count technique in products with water activity less than or equal to 0,95

20.KS ISO 2171, Cereals, pulses and by-products — Determination of ash yield by incineration

21.KS ISO 5498, Agricultural food products — Determination Crude Fibre Content - General Method

22.KS ISO 5985, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of Ash Insoluble in Hydrochloric Acid

23.KS ISO 6561-1, Fruits, vegetables and derived products — Determination of cadmium content — Part 1 — Method using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry

24.KS ISO 6561-2, Fruits, vegetables and derived products - Determination of cadmium content - Part 2: Method using flame atomic absorption spectrometry

25.KS ISO 6579-1, Microbiology of the food chain — Horizontal method for the detection, enumeration and serotyping of Salmonella — Part 1: Detection of Salmonella spp.

26.KS ISO 6633, Fruits, vegetables and derived products — Determination of lead content — Flameless atomic absorption spectrometric method

27.KS ISO 6888-1, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) — Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium

28.KS ISO 7305, Milled Cereal Products - Determination of Fat Acidity


Proposed date of adoption: 31 December 2024

Proposed date of entry into force: To be determined


Final date for comments: 60 days from notification


Texts available from: National enquiry point [X] or address, telephone and fax numbers and email and website addresses, if available, of other body:

Kenya Bureau of Standards

WTO/TBT National Enquiry Point P.O. Box: 54974-00200, Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: + (254) 020 605490, 605506/6948258 Fax: + (254) 020 609660/609665 E-mail:; Website: