Relevant documents:
1._ KS EAS 768:2019, Fortified milled maize (corn) products —
2._ Technical Specifications for the manufacture of: Fortified
Nixtamalized Maize Flour – Honduras and RBP, version 1, OSCQ, 2018
3._ KS EAS 44-2019,Milled maize (corn)products — Specification
4._ AOAC 965.22, Sorting Corn Grits Sieving Method Modified
5._ AOAC 2011.14, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese,
Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium and Zinc in fortified food products. Microwave
Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry
6._ CODEX STAN 192, Codex general standard for food additives
7._ KS EAS 2, Maize grains — Specification
8._ KS EAS 38, Labelling of pre-packaged foods — Specification
9._ KS EAS 39, Code of practice for hygiene in the food and drink
manufacturing industry
10._ KS EAS 44, Milled maize (corn)products — Specification
11._ KS EAS 768, Fortified Milled Maize (corn) Products - Specification
12._ KS EAS 803, Nutrition labelling — Requirements
13._ KS EAS 804, Claims on food — General requirements
14._ KS EAS 805, Use of Nutrition and Health Claims— Requirements
15._ KS EAS 900, Cereals and Pulses – Sampling
16._ KS EAS 901, Cereals and Pulses – Test Methods
17._ KS ISO 11085, Cereals, cereals-based products and animal feeding
stuffs — Determination of crude fat and total fat content by the Randall
extraction method
18._ KS ISO 16649-2, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs —
Horizontal method for the enumeration of beta-glucuronidase-positive
Escherichia coli — Part 2: Colony-count technique at 44 degrees C using 5-
bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl beta-D-glucuronide
19._ KS ISO 21527-2, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs —
Horizontal method for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds — Part 2: Colony
count technique in products with water activity less than or equal to 0,95
20._ KS ISO 2171, Cereals, pulses and by-products — Determination of
ash yield by incineration
21._ KS ISO 5498, Agricultural food products — Determination Crude
Fibre Content - General Method
22._ KS ISO 5985, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of Ash
Insoluble in Hydrochloric Acid
23._ KS ISO 6561-1, Fruits, vegetables and derived products —
Determination of cadmium content — Part 1 — Method using graphite furnace
atomic absorption spectrometry
24._ KS ISO 6561-2, Fruits, vegetables and derived products -
Determination of cadmium content - Part 2: Method using flame atomic
absorption spectrometry
25._ KS ISO 6579-1, Microbiology of the food chain — Horizontal method
for the detection, enumeration and serotyping of Salmonella — Part 1:
Detection of Salmonella spp.
26._ KS ISO 6633, Fruits, vegetables and derived products —
Determination of lead content — Flameless atomic absorption spectrometric
27._ KS ISO 6888-1, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs —
Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci
(Staphylococcus aureus and other species) — Part 1: Technique using
Baird-Parker agar medium
28._ KS ISO 7305, Milled Cereal Products - Determination of Fat Acidity