Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Egypt - Bristol paper for drawing and printing - Addendum



The following communication, dated 29 January 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Egypt.





Title: The Egyptian Standard ES 13-4 for "paper- part 4: Bristol paper for drawing and printing".


Reason for Addendum:

[ ]

Comment period changed - date:


Notified measure adopted - date: 18 December 2023

[ ]

Notified measure published - date:


Notified measure enters into force - date: 5 January 2024

[ ]

Text of final measure available from[1]:

[ ]

Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:

Relevant symbol if measure re-notified:

[ ]

Content or scope of notified measure changed and text available from1:

New deadline for comments (if applicable):

[ ]

Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:

[ ]



Description: Products covered: (ICS 85.080.10) Office paper.

This addendum concerns the notification of the Ministerial Decree No. 502 /2023 (4 pages, in Arabic) that gives the producers and importers a six-month transitional period to abide by the Egyptian Standard ES 13-4 for "paper- part 4: Bristol paper for drawing and printing"; (11 page(s), in Arabic).

It should be noted that the draft of this standard was formerly notified in G/TBT/N/EGY/357 dated 19 June 2023

This standard cancels and supersedes its last edition ES 13/2005.

Worth mentioning is that this standard has been formulated according to National Studies.

Producers and importers are kept informed of any amendments in the Egyptian standards through the publication of administrative orders in the official gazette.

Proposed date of adoption: 18 December 2023.

Proposed date of entry into force: 5 January 2024

Agency or authority designated to handle comments and text available from:

National Enquiry Point

Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality

16 Tadreeb El-Modarrebeen St., Ameriya, Cairo - Egypt



Tel: + (202) 22845528

Fax: + (202) 22845504




[1] This information can be provided by including a website address, a pdf attachment, or other information on where the text of the final/modified measure and/or interpretive guidance can be obtained.