Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Indonesia - Products and services that mandatory to be halal certified


The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6



Notifying Member: INDONESIA

If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):


Agency responsible:

Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH), Ministry of Religious Affairs

Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers, email and website addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments regarding the notification shall be indicated if different from above:

Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH), Ministry of Religious Affairs

Jl. Raya Pondok Gede No. 13 Pinang Ranti, Kec. Makasar,

Kota Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta 13560

Phone : +621 34833020

Email :

Website :

Directorate of Implementation System for Standards and Conformity Assessment

National Standardization Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BSN)

TBT WTO Notification and Enquiry Point of Indonesia

BPPT Building I, 12th floor

Jln. M. H. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10340

Phone: +62 21 3927422 ext 127

Fax : +62 21 3927527

Email : and



Notified under Article 2.9.2 [ ], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], 3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ], other [X]: Services rate


Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): Products and services that mandatory to be halal certified, G/TBT/N/IDN/131 and G/TBT/N/IDN/131/add.1


Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: Draft Decree of Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency No.__ of 2023 Regarding The Determination of General Services Rates of BPJPH; (27 page(s), in Indonesian)


Description of content: This is the second amendments from Decree of Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency No. 141 of 2021 Regarding the Determination of General Services Rates of BPJPH.

The amendments cover adjustment in the main services and supporting services rates, as described in Annexes 1, 2, 4, 5.

Annexes 1. General Services Rates of BPJPH

Annexes 2. Main Services Rates of BPJPH

Annexes 4. The Determination of Highest Cost Unit Limits Provided by Halal Inspection Agency (LPH) for Micro, Small, Medium, Large And/or Foreign Enterprises

Annexes 5. Man days Calculation Scheme Provided by Halal Inspection Agency for Micro, Small, Medium, Large And/or Foreign Enterprises


Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where applicable: Consumer information, labelling; Prevention of deceptive practices and consumer protection


Relevant documents:

- Law No. 33 of 2014 regarding Halal Product Assurance

- Government Regulation No. 39 of 2021 regarding Implementation of Halal Product Assurance


Proposed date of adoption: To be determined

Proposed date of entry into force: To be determined


Final date for comments: 60 days from notification


Texts available from: National enquiry point [ ] or address, telephone and fax numbers and email and website addresses, if available, of other body:

Directorate of Implementation System for Standards and Conformity Assessment

National Standardization Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BSN)

TBT WTO Notification and Enquiry Point of Indonesia

BPPT Building I, 12th floor

Jln. M. H. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10340

Phone: +62 21 3927422 ext 127

Fax : +62 21 3927527

Email : and
