available from: National enquiry point [X] or
address, telephone and fax numbers and email and website addresses, if
available, of other body:
Czech Office for Standards,
Metrology and Testing
WTO Enquiry Point
Contact person: Mrs. Irena
Biskupský dvůr 1148/5
110 00 Praha 1
Tel: +(420) 221 802 212
Email: wto.tbt@unmz.cz
Website: http://www.unmz.cz/office/wto-tbt-enquiry-point
The English and Czech version of Measure 0111-OOP-C010-23 stipulating
metrological and technical requirements for specified measuring instruments,
including test methods for type approval and verification of specified
measuring instruments: 'high-speed weigh-in-motion road vehicle scales' - is
available in the Tris database, please follow the attached URL link below: https://technical-regulation-information-system.ec.europa.eu/en/notification/24926