Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Switzerland - Electricity consumption of several domestic and professional appliances - Addendum



The following communication, dated 24 March 2023, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Switzerland.





Title: Draft Energy Efficiency Ordinance


Reason for Addendum:

[ ]

Comment period changed - date:

[ ]

Notified measure adopted - date:

[ ]

Notified measure published - date:

[ ]

Notified measure enters into force - date:

[ ]

Text of final measure available from[1]:

[ ]

Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:

Relevant symbol if measure re-notified:


Content or scope of notified measure changed and text available from1:

New deadline for comments (if applicable): 30 May 2023


Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:

[ ]



Description: The present addendum only concerns the requirements for commercial dishwashers. Originally, integrated heat recovery was proposed as a minimum requirement for commercial dishwashers. Due to the comments received from the industry, this requirement was abandoned in favour of an obligation to publish standardised measured values for energy and water consumption. The product information must be provided in the technical documentation and on a freely accessible website of the supplier or manufacturer. However, it is not required that the values are shown in sales offers or on the appliances themselves (as is known from the energy label). The obligation enters into force on 1 January 2024. Products that do not meet the requirement may still be sold during a 12-month transition period until 31 December 2024.




[1] This information can be provided by including a website address, a pdf attachment, or other information on where the text of the final/modified measure and/or interpretive guidance can be obtained.