Indonesia – importation of horticultural
animals and animal products
Status Report regarding implementation of
the dsb recommendations and rulings
by Indonesia
The following communication, dated 20 March
2023, from the delegation of Indonesia to the Chairperson of the Dispute
Settlement Body, is circulated pursuant to Article 21.6 of the DSU.
Indonesia provided a status report in reference to Article 21.6 of the
Understanding of Dispute Settlement Rules and Procedures (DSU).
Indonesia took note of both complainant's
interests in the previous meeting. In this occasion, Indonesia continued to
reiterate that significant corrective actions, in relation to this dispute,
have been carried out related to this dispute. We also remain fully committed
to implementing rulings and recommendations of the DSB in this dispute.
In this regard, measure 18 concerning
self-sufficiency regulated in relevant laws has been entirely revoked. With
regard to measures 1-17, Indonesia has also made significant amendments to the
relevant Minister Regulations through removal of the measures at issue,
including harvest period restriction, import realization requirements, six–month
harvest requirement, reference price, and domestic purchase requirement.
Indonesia also wishes to highlight that
Commodity Balance mechanism serves as a tool to support the government's effort
in providing comprehensive, detailed, and accurate data, aimed at transparently
streamlining permit approval process. This mechanism is integrated with the
national database system to provide business certainty without generating
restriction on trade. Further, the system integration provided this mechanism
has been a major improvement to facilitate trade.
To conclude, Indonesia looks forward to
continue working with New Zealand and the United States to solve these