Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Japan - High pressure gas containers for hydrofluorocarbon - Corrigendum



The following communication, dated 7 March 2023, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Japan.





Revision to the Regulation on Safety of Containers of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) under the High Pressure Gas Safety Act

The Description of the notification should read as follows:

Description: The High Pressure Gas Safety Act

The revision to the Regulation on Safety of Containers under the High Pressure Gas Safety Act was published on 29 July 2022. This revision entered into force on 29 January 2023.

This Regulation includes the provisions of a new category of the high-pressure-gas containers for hydrofluorocarbon, etc.

The text of the revision of the Regulation is available on the following website in Japanese.

- Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 63 of July 29, 2022

- The full text of the Regulation



[1] In English only.