Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification - Czech Republic - Specified measuring instruments : voltage instrument transformers


The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6



Notifying Member: CZECH REPUBLIC

If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):


Agency responsible: Czech Metrology Institute

Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers, email and website addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments regarding the notification shall be indicated if different from above:

Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing

WTO/TBT Enquiry Point

P. O. BOX 49

Biskupský dvůr 1148/5

110 00 Prague 1 - Czech Republic

Telephone: (+420) 221 802 212

Email address:


Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], 3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ], other:


Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA (ICS code(s): 17)

- voltage instrument transformers


Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: Draft measure of a general nature

number: 0111-OOP-C089-22,laying down the metrological and technical requirements for specified measuring instruments, including test methods for verification of the following specified measuring instruments:

"voltage instrument transformers"; (32 page(s), in English), (31 page(s), in Czech)


Description of content: Voltage instrument transformers may be placed on the market and put into use in the Czech Republic as specified measuring instruments in accordance with Act No 505/1990 Coll. on metrology, as amended. Pursuant to the Act, specified measuring instruments are instruments that are included in the list of the types of specified measuring instruments (Decree No 345/2002 Coll.) and, at the same time, intended (by the manufacturer/importer) for measurements of relevance to the protection of public interest in areas of consumer protection, contractual relations, imposition of sanctions, fees, tariffs and taxes, health protection, environmental protection, occupational safety, or the protection of other public interests protected by special legislation. This is therefore a similar purpose as that which is used to identify specified products - measuring instruments and non-automatic weighing instruments pursuant to Directives 2014/31/EU and 2014/32/EU. The requirements of this legislation do not apply to measuring instruments not placed on the market in the Czech Republic for the above purposes, defined by Act No 505/1990 Coll. on metrology.

The purpose of this notified legislation is to lay down metrological and technical requirements for these specified measuring instruments. This legislation also stipulates tests for type approval and verification of specified measuring instruments of this type.


Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where applicable: In the Czech Republic, voltage instrument transformers are specified measuring instruments that are subject to type approval and verification.


Relevant documents:

Reference(s) to basic text(s): Act No 505/1990 Coll. on metrology, as amended.

Section 171 et seq. of Act No 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Code, as amended.

Decree No 345/2002 Coll. laying down measurement instruments for mandatory verification and measurement instruments subject to type approval, as amended.


Proposed date of adoption: 17 August 2022

Proposed date of entry into force: 1 September 2022


Final date for comments: 8 August 2022


Texts available from: National enquiry point [X] or address, telephone and fax numbers and email and website addresses, if available, of other body:

Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing

WTO Enquiry Point

Contact person: Mrs. Irena Karasova

Na Žertvách 132/24,

Prague 8

Tel: +(420) 221 802 212



The English version of the Draft measure of a general nature number: 0111-OOP-C089-22, laying down the metrological and technical requirements for specified measuring instruments, including test methods for verification of the following specified measuring instruments: "voltage instrument transformers" - is available in the Tris database, please follow the attached URL link below: